Logo alteration
Vector art
Monday Live
Freelance tasks for internal communication, B2B sales and SOME marketing.
Logo alteration
When Monday Prodution created sister company for live events, the company needed new logo. It had to contain the orginal Monday logo, but need a small twist to it. By adding a rougher handwritten style to the font we gave the logo a sliver of the edge a live performance has. The base logo have straight well ordered lines - lige a pre-planned studio production, but the live logo has something extra in the rougher feel of something improvised on the spot.
Marketing Material
B2B and SOME layouts for promoting Monday Live’s Cartoon Contcerts. While the darker layout is directed at company officials, and contain much more practical information, the SOME layouts are directed at families and are made to eminate lighthearted fun. It was not possible to use images or refferences from the famous cartoons the songs came from, so the task was to be eye catching with grachical elements.